Acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Servers


Contact: Verger Michelle Curry (; 828.719.9508)

Acolytes at St. Mary of the Hills serve at all of our Eucharistic Services as well as weddings, funerals and special services. Our thurifers, crucifiers and torchbearers are all age. If you or your child or your whole family is interested in serving as an acolyte, please let the church office know at any time. Training for acolytes can be scheduled at any time.  


Eucharistic Ministers

Valerie Purcell (; 828.292.4702)

Michelle Curry (; 828.719.9508)

Eucharistic ministers are lay leaders authorized to administer the consecrated elements at celebrations of Holy Eucharist on Sundays and throughout the week.  One must be a confirmed communicant in good standing in order to be trained and licensed by the office of the Bishop for this ministry.



Leslie Billingsley (; 828.773.7365)

Lectors read the appointed scripture passages and/or lead the Prayers of the People during worship and are scheduled for all regular services and special events (Christmas, Holy Week, Major Feasts). Training is provided as to preparation, interpretation, and delivery of readings.