
Vestry at St. Mary of the Hills

Members of the Vestry are spiritual leaders committed to building up the Body of Christ to be an effective instrument of mission and ministry in the world. Serving on the Vestry is a commitment of time, energy, and heart. Vestry persons are elected for staggered three-year terms to represent the parish membership in temporal matters and to make wise and prayerful decisions concerning the life and ministry of the congregation.


Qualifications for Vestry Service

A candidate as a year-round member of St. Mary of the Hills Parish must be (1) a confirmed or received member of the Episcopal Church of the age of 16 years or over; (2) a communicant having received Holy Communion at least three times during the preceding year; and, (3) a member of St. Mary of the Hills Parish in good standing as evidenced by a record of giving for at least six months prior to election and a letter of transfer on file if previously a member of another Episcopal congregation.

A candidate as a seasonal member of St. Mary of the Hills parish must be (1) a confirmed or received member of the Episcopal Church of the age of 16 years or over; (2) a communicant having received Holy Communion at least three times during the preceding year; (3) a member in good standing of another Episcopal congregation faithful in corporate worship and in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God; and, (4) a giver of record to St. Mary of the Hills Parish for at least six months prior to election.

Only one member of a family may serve at any given time, and no members of the clergy’s immediate family may serve.


The Parish Annual Meeting will be held at 9AM on Aug. 25.

During the meeting, we will also elect four new Vestry members (three year-round members and one seasonal parishioner). In preparation for this Annual Meeting, we are engaging a season of discernment with leaders in the parish who feel called to Vestry service.

Qualifications for Vestry service are listed below and you can access the online nomination form here. Printed forms are available in the Foyer and Parish Hall and may be returned to the Parish Office. Nominations will remain open until 5PM on Tuesday, July 30.



In February 2022, the Vestry of St. Mary of the Hills adopted a Vestry Covenant, reflecting the values and intentions desired to guide and govern our common life and work.  You can read the Covenant by clicking on the image below.  

Vestry Covenant


St. Mary of the Hills 2024 Vestry


2024 2025 2026
Leslie Billingsley Mike Austell, Sr. Warden Marshall Culp, Jr. Warden
Joe Doswell Michelle Curry Lynn Searfoss
Buddy Fore Burt Mulford Jim Snow
  Sue Sweeting Jill Storelli


Amanda White, Treasurer

Elizabeth Sudderth, Clerk


2023 Vestry Meeting Minutes

St. Mary of the Hills Vestry Minutes for October 2023

Amended Minutes of September Vestry Mtg

St. Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes August 2023

St. Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes July 2023

St. Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes June 21, 2023

St. Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes May 16, 2023

No April 2023 Vestry Meeting

St Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes March 21 2023 (1)

St Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes February 21 2023 (1)

St Mary Vestry Meeting Minutes January 17 2023 (1)