9 am | Sundays | Barrett Room
In the Rector’s Form, we’ll return to a series we began several years ago. “Signs of Life: Why Church Matters” was developed for use in early 2020 by the Society of St. John the Evangelist. This year, we will pick it up again, trusting that rich conversation and reflection will once again emerge.
Noon | Tuesdays | Barrett Room
Join Fr. Andrew in reading Henri Nouwen’s classic book, “Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World.” One reviewer describes Nouwen’s work in this way – “(What) began as a conversation between friends… Nouwen plumbs the depths of what is most personal and vital in his own Christian faith…”. A conversation circle will convene on Tuesdays from noon to 1 pm in the Barrett Room. Books are available at the Church for a suggested donation of $10 and online from a variety of book sellers.
10:30 am | Wednesdays beginning March 5 | Barrett Room
Journaling is a beautiful spiritual practice particularly when it involves reflecting on the Daily Office and Lectionary readings. Please join us on Ash Wednesday morning, March 5, to learn more about this spiritual practice as a Lenten discipline. Bring a journal if possible. Journals will also be available at the Church for a suggested donation, as well as "Listening to Your Life" by Frederick Buechner, an inspirational work relevant to the practice.
The group will meet every other Wednesday during Lent either on Zoom or in person in the Barrett Room from 10:30 am – 11:45 am or so. For more information please contact Owene Courtney via text at 904.553.7338 or email.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 829 8035 3055
The Way of the Cross, also known as the Stations of the Cross, will be prayed each Friday in Lent, beginning March 7, at noon in the Church. All are welcome!
An online devotion is also available -
Way of the Cross - Reflection Guide
The Reconciliation of Penitent, commonly called 'Confession', will be offered each Friday in Lent, from 11 am until 11:45 am. Reconciliation is also available at any time by appointment.
Please contact Fr. Andrew if you’d like to make an appointment or to learn more about the rite of Reconciliation in the Episcopal Church.